Narcan Nasal Spray (Naloxone)
What is Narcan?
Narcan is a prescription medication used to reverse the effects of a known or suspected opioid overdose, evident by emergency signs of breathing problems and severe sleepiness, or not being able to respond.
Family members, caregivers, friends, or bystanders, may use Narcan to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose until emergency assistance can arrive. Emergency services are still required after administering Narcan and restoring breathing.
How do I get Narcan?
Harm Reduction Ohio currently has an agreement with the state of Ohio to provide free, uninterrupted Narcan to Ohio residents who need it during the coronavirus shutdowns. To obtain a kit, please click on the link below and choose the “Intranasal Training” option.
FREE Narcan – If there are prescription opioids in your home, Narcan nasal spray should be there, too.